You laugh, you lose

By YOUFUCKINGFUCKSOCK - 03/11/2012 00:23 - United Kingdom - Gloucester

Today, I gave a big presentation at work, hoping to impress my boss and angle for a promotion. I was already nervous, but a co-worker at the back kept making goofy faces, causing me to repeatedly break into laughter. My boss accused me of being high, and suspended me on the spot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 477
You deserved it 4 151

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Make sure to do this the next time your co-worker has to do a speech, then see how he feels about it

Well that's unprofessional of your boss to just assume your high and suspended you just like that, sorry to hear OP


PhannyPack09 8

Take a second and say what you just wrote out loud.. Does that help people? I don't understand...

YOUFUCKINGFUCKSOCK is probably the most creative name I've seen on this site. I hate how it's so easy to make me laugh. I feel you, op.

that sucks, I understand the nervousness

Reality_bites 14

Chances are that co-worker wants the promotion for themselves and decided that they could get away with sabotaging the OP's chance to impress the boss by making it seem like they didn't take the job seriously. I bet they wanted to be the one doing the presentation, so they could ask for promotion.

Epikouros 31

If you want a promotion, you should be able to call out a co-worker for immature behavior. "Do you have a question, Mr. Fuxoq?" "OK, then please stop making goofy faces."

you laugh when someone makes a goofy face? how old are you, 9? and he's being rude and disrespectful, man up and tell him to stop. YDI

CharresBarkrey 15

Your co-worker just wanted the position for himself. That is just plain wrong.