You better shape up

By anonymous - 18/07/2012 04:02 - United States - Silverdale

Today, I auditioned for the role of Rizzo in a local production of Grease. The director told me I wasn't tough enough, and that my persona too sweet and childlike for the part. I asked if I should instead try out to play Sandy. He replied, "I was being nice. Honestly, you're ugly and can't act." FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 082
You deserved it 4 730

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you seriously enjoy acting, don't let this completely discourage you. There's always a role for every persona, eventually. Keep working at it!

Did you inform him that he should audition for biggest jackass after? I sure hope so.


Llamacod 11

make up artist or not, make up definitely makes them more attractive, which was my point. You've seemed to have missed it and read "blah blah models blah beautiful blah makeup" and got all butt hurt thinking I said something that I didn't. makes me wonder if I struck a nerve about you and your self image? maybe I presented my thoughts wrong. I meant to say " that make up does make a difference in the a presentation of a person using models as an example many of them are beautiful when they have makeup applied appropriately but if you take away the makeup they are at best average looking. send op probably can't afford a makeup artist, she had better learn to apply makeup herself. I figure I have to add the makeup artist part because you got all butt hurt when I said makeup and you presumed that I thought that all models did their own makeup

Llamacod 11

and really all attractiveness is is the quote unquote default societal attractiveness

I think you had a lucky escape, he sounds like a dick!

When Meryl Streep had her first audition, the director called her ugly! And now she has academy awards! Keep trying OP!

kitsune3 20

See, that is exactly the kind of bs that made me stop taking drama classes in school. Teachers are always like "You're too nice to play a mean role." Um...hello? It's called ACTING. It doesn't mean a damn thing if the person is nice. There are plenty of really nice people who are fantastic at playing really horrible, nasty people. People need to stop using "you're too innocent/nice/sweet/cute to play this part" as an excuse. It's grade-A crap and everyone knows it. FYL op. Your teacher's a dick.

She said "local production," not "school production," so I think it's most likely being put on by a community theater or something. It's not like it's drama class; the director has the right to turn her away for any reason he wants.

If you come crying here at the first hint of criticism, I'm not sure you're cut out for theater.

hateevryone 14

He's a jerk. Don't let him get you down.

YeaSo3 14

Oh OP hunni that man is horrible...let your haters be your motivators!