Yeet the feet

By SalonGirl - 10/03/2009 11:55 - United States

Today, I was at work and a very obese woman came in to get a pedicure. When she took her shoes off I noticed an odd black substance on her feet. I started scrubbing it off and wondered out loud, "What IS this stuff??" As a chunk of it fell onto my lip, she replied, "Girl, that's just the fungus." FML
I agree, your life sucks 113 609
You deserved it 7 271

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Amanda_Ruth 0

Oh, dear Jesus. That's disgusting! You poor thing...

Um, ew. Someone remind me not to go on this site when I'm eating.


LMFAO! that sucks but it made me laugh. Lol @ #12

rockcandy 0

@21 fat women are gross (fat ppl make everything worse just ewww kankles and other grossness [eww fat ppl stink too]) lol u made me throw up in my mouth a little

sparklygummyworm 0

oh no....oh nooo i'm sorry, but sometimes you've just got to refuse a client...this is one of those cases i am so sorry dear

simplysmile 0

saying she is obese just makes it that much more gross of a story. fat feet are gross. fungus is gross. fat feet+fungus= gross times a thousand.

your lip? were ya sucking her big toe?

whatsup_hollahhh 0

Yeah, you kinda deserve this. I'm a nail tech, and if you thought that something was wrong you should have turned her down. and if you just weren't sure, you should have asked someone or something.

kandy_fml 0

Lap instead of lip would work. The two letters don't have to be near each other for you to mistake one word for another. I agree with #58. Let it go people.