With friends like these…

By Katie - 13/12/2012 18:00 - United States

Today, my best friend told me about a vicious rumor that's going around, saying I contracted a horrible STD. I asked her if she told everyone it was a lie. She said no, because the rumor is apparently "way too funny to ruin." Maybe it's time for new friends. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 350
You deserved it 2 629

Same thing different taste

Top comments

stevenJB 25

Don't think that's even a friend to begin with :/


mrz1177 11

Spread a rumor that she's pregnant.. See how she feels.

Just think of an even better (or in this case, worse) rumor to spread about them. Can't always sit back and wait for karma.

I disagree. I think OP should be the better person and not stoop down to her supposed friend's level.

Yup time for new friends, new place to hang out at, but before you do... Ask that friend if he/she started that rumor.

What a horrible friend you have OP. she doesn't deserve to be called best friend. Get some better friends. FYL

Yes, new friends and a std check just so you can shut down the rumors...

That sucks, some people are douches. I would be the bigger man and not start a rumor about her as others have suggested, don't fight fire with fire.

Rumours are like internet trolls and colds - they are really ******* annoying, but if you ignore them long enough, they go away.

You're absolutely right, Doc. There's this boy and girl (who are just friends) in my psychology class in which they would joke around like what usual friends do. Then I guess later on people kept on asking them if they were going out, and eventually a whole rumor spread. I told them to not pay attention to what other people said, which they did, and within about a week or so, the rumor just died down.

Not all the time... There was a rumor where I worked that a coworkers and I were gay buddies. Well, we're just a couple geeks and were trading games and talked. His wife was probably the one who started it too, lol. To this day they still question my sexuality.

KM96 24

Ouch! That's horrible ... Sounds like a terrible friend OP. sorry

Tell everyone you contracted it from her.

perdix 29

Yeah!! The rumor of girl-on-girl STD transmission will make your stock go through the roof!!!