Will you…

By why - 17/08/2013 14:18 - United States - Lexington

Today, we were having a family dinner with my boyfriend's parents and mine. In the kitchen, when we were getting the food ready, he proposed. I screamed. My dad thought he was hurting me, came in and tased him in the leg. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 542
You deserved it 7 389

Same thing different taste

Top comments

onealmxwilson 18

"I was going to marry my girlfriend, but then I took a taser to the leg."


dreaasalazar 5

at least you'll have a funny story to tell your kids lol

Axel5238 29

I wonder what the boyfriend has done to warrant that response or it is possible the daughter regardless of it being a happy scream was screaming like she had just been stabbed. Some people don't get while yes you will be shocked and might scream in surprise always react like the couch was on fire.

**** your boyfriend's life more like it. Anyway congratulations :D

Your father must be a cop, right? He must have that thing holstered 24/7 if he is so trigger-happy. He did a pretty piss-poor job of assessing the situation if he is a cop.

At least it's a good funny story for the wedding

ThatGuyInClass 5

Haha gotta love over protective dads

I feel like your dad shouldn't be carrying around a taser to begin with just saying

Go dad go!! He loves you, and was only trying to protect you. Your fiancé should understand (:

smartjaguargurl 17

I feel like this is more **** your fiance's life...