Why would you go and do a thing like that?

By anonymous - 25/05/2011 14:33 - Singapore

Today, I inexplicably claimed ownership of someone else's fart in the subway. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 338
You deserved it 36 991

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That means you have to follow through, follow them and watch them take a shit and then jump out and say "THAT'S MY SHIT."


Tycjan 5

How can you claim ownership of someone else's fart ?

well you what they say about possession... possession is 9/10 of the law. lol

Maybe OP did this so he could have a seat on the subway with a little elbow room.

hahaha... "elbow room" you know more space to move around. If you're sitting in a shit cloud, who wants to sit by you?

kingtz 6

Or maybe he said, "that fart's mine! No one else touch it" as he hurriedly began gathering up the air into his manpurse.

snickerz01 0

its a satchel, indiana jones has one!

TraceCase_ 19

The real owner was probably equally as puzzled...and relieved, in more ways than one.

That means you have to follow through, follow them and watch them take a shit and then jump out and say "THAT'S MY SHIT."

Egnar 19

So a few people, you'll never see again, looked at you and said eww that smells? Damn that sucks, my sympathizes man!!!!!

RedPillSucks 31

OP might very well see them again if its a standard commute to/from work.

Forget how you did it....why the hell would you do that

Did it smell like chili or a chicken teriyaki sub?