What's your morning routine?

By Oliveisthenewora - 05/04/2016 05:55 - United States - Dearborn

Today, I tried a DIY face mask that involved using turmeric spice. After keeping it on for 20 minutes, I tried washing it off, but I couldn't get rid of the orange residue it had left behind. Guess who's going to work tomorrow looking like an Oompa Loompa. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 245
You deserved it 7 320

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oy, that's rough. At least you look like a hard worker?


Overdone spray Tan might be the best excuse...

man_in_black08 28

Atleast orange is the new black!

Concealer concealer concealer lol Lots of makeup

Do you work at a chocolate factory?

AtomicLondon 8

I definitely recommend trying coconut oil. It should remove the stain while also giving fantastic moisture. Besides this, it's cleaner than baby oil, which has chemicals. Best of luck, OP!

slice lemons real thin and put these on you're face. it should help with the orange color

You really should have known better than to do a DIY with turmeric. YDI.

kittycat2007 18

vinager and lemon juice with 1/2 cup water. rinse well afterward, should help it come off.

Baron_Kaz 15

Apply a clay mask, that will suck the color out. Next time use very little turmeric in the mask mix.