What's your morning routine?

By Oliveisthenewora - 05/04/2016 05:55 - United States - Dearborn

Today, I tried a DIY face mask that involved using turmeric spice. After keeping it on for 20 minutes, I tried washing it off, but I couldn't get rid of the orange residue it had left behind. Guess who's going to work tomorrow looking like an Oompa Loompa. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 245
You deserved it 7 321

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oy, that's rough. At least you look like a hard worker?


Hi OP, did you perhaps find the turmeric in the kitchen cabinet? Because the turmeric root variety used in cooking is different from that used for face packs... The beauty application kind doesn't stain skin yellow, though it still needs to be used with caution... I had my own horror story with a turmeric face pack, I'd left it on for about twenty mins when my whole face started burning, and kept burning for a couple of hours even after I'd washed it off! Agony... Apparently turmeric is an irritant if left in contact with the skin for too long...

the same thing happened to my sister! milk takes the orange residue right off!

Ooooh sorry maybe next time you try a DIY mask try putting a little but on your arm or hand?

I come from an Indian family so as soon as I read "turmeric" i knew this was going to end well.

You win the internet today for going above and beyond with that. All our base are belong to you now good sir.

Ha I was going to try that, guess I will not!

This might sound like a dumb question, but if it usually stains, why don't people use an alternative method? There has to be another recipe out there.

OnlySkyrimStays 11

Ooompa, Loompa, doopety d-oops!

Seagull2345 2

Make-up wipes that have a little oil in them always do the trick for me OP!