Weird haircut

By mylifesucks123 - 03/05/2009 13:44 - United States

Today, I was driving to the grocery store with my 7 year-old son. As we were approaching a stop sign, I looked next to me and saw a guy with a triangle-shaped head. I said to my son, "Look at the guy with the triangle head." My window was open. So was his. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 823
You deserved it 72 783

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hmmm, way to teach him how to make fun of people...

may_cause_fail 0

I have never seen anyone with a triangle head. I would probably do the same thing. :D


Rawrzie 0

lol, a triangle head.... YDI for makin fun of people

brittybrat1165 5

You are just really damn rude aren't you why in the **** r you teaching your child to be an ass are u perfect do u look like megan fox?..yea I thought so so stfu ppl r guna look different not every1 looks like the ppl on tv ur prolly just a nasty bitter hag

lizardlols 0

I wanna see this man with a triangle head.

ArielTheMermaid 17
NeonBubblez 6

Thats kinda immature for you to say that. Definitely to a young child, who may or may not start saying stuff like that in public, in front of that certain person. Anyways, that was very rude.

Bad parent. Don't teach your kid to mock other people. Known or unknown, directly or secretly