We need to talk

By wtf - 24/10/2011 22:46 - United Kingdom

Today, my parents staged a family intervention and gave me the grandest bollocking I've ever experienced in all my 22 years of life. They did this because my sister showed them a photo of me jokingly posing with three bottles of Bud Light at a party. Apparently, I'm an alcoholic in denial. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 075
You deserved it 4 955

Same thing different taste

Top comments

saIty 17

If only you posed with 6 beers on your belly. You could have argued that you wanted to create a six pack.


Angelrose2004 17

Three bottles of beer in your hand.. Three bottles of beer.. Take one out, pass it around, two bottles of beer in your hand! *song from the past*... Kinda :

creedaddict 9

Wow they got bud light in the old UK?

Please get yourself some help. Anyone who drinks is an alcoholic. Trust me I told someone I drank 3-4x a month and drink 3-4 beers each time. Proof that I'm a drunk.

If your being serious, this is retarded. You sir, are not a drunk. My 15 year old sister drinks more than that. And because you drink, it does not mean your an alcoholic. Please stop being so ignorant.

You may also have missed the point that the OP did not drink the beers he just posed with them in hand as a joke.

KiddNYC1O 20
leadman1989 15

Go to AA and **** with all the drunks best time you can have surrounded by strangers with your clothes on.

They're probably not used to having their son party and such! they're probably doing it out of love. Unless, they actually believe that then FYL.

muhilrashid 4

You still didnt say if you did drink bro

So have you stopped drinking after that intervention????