We finally made it

By Depression... - 10/10/2012 06:01 - United States

Today, I had my first orgasm. Unfortunately, it was during breakup sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 175
You deserved it 9 125

Same thing different taste


Never understood the concept of breakup sex..

Who has break up sex FFS that's just torturing yourself if u don't want to break up and if you wanted the break up its pity sex which is pathetic

"Hot 'please don't leave me' sex is the best!"

skullofdarkness 18

What the ****? Who has sex when they're breaking up with someone- call me old fashioned, but I see sex as a way of communicating affection, just like hugging or kissing. Normally if there is enough mutual affection for sex, there's not a break up...

AllyCat23 9

At least you got something out of the relationship :-)

Break up sex = giving the person who dumped you the idea that you think you can't do any better! NEVER do break up sex! I mean, that's just common sense!!! Never give the person who dumped you the satisfaction.

Ur not alone look u got a chipmunk hahaha XD referring to Ur profile pic