Wasps can **** right off

By Jeff - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, a wasp flew into my room. While I, a 6'2" hockey player, cowered in the corner, my 4'11" girlfriend killed it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 188
You deserved it 42 230

Top comments

Your gf is brave. I for one will not go anywhere near a wasp! When 2 wasps got in my apartment, I wouldn't go anywhere near them. I would run away when they were in the same room as me. One flew into my master bath, and I closed the door and didn't go in there until I found the other one dead in my guest bathroom. I made a boy dispose of both of them.


*laughs* No offense to men out there, but alot of you are wimps, my boyfriend who likes to make a big show of protecting me and being the big strong man often calls me to kill spiders......even if they are as tiny as they can get.

Quest_ 13

YDI. You think your life is ****** because gender stereotypes didn't come true. Also, how do you 69 with your lady?

Anon17564 3

You have the right idea. Also, lol at your post number.

Well I'm a guy too (and not the kind of guy you'd call a ****** or pussy just by seeing me), I'm pretty much afraid of nothing except for wasps or bees that could make me run through a whole city just to make sure it's not following me, it's just a phobia, lots of people have stupid phobias, people calling you a ****** or a pussy are just retarded, what's scary is that they seem to be pretty numerous...

so you can tell if a guy is a pussy by just seeing his face? I was talking about behavior, like the way you walk, stand or speak

How does being a hockey player train you to battle wasps?

wow big height difference. can she give you a ******** while you both are standing?

im 4'11 and my boyfriends 5'11 /: its perfect height to me cause when we hug i get to put my head on his shoulder :D

wow you are the biggest pussy in the world

I totally understand that. I hate wasps. They absolutely scare the shit out of me. Plus the height difference between you and your girl is super cute.

Nice. Over 11' of pussy in one room. Which one you takes in it your 5 hole when there's a shoot-out?

infamouskilla 0

Lulz, I can't believe all the Sidney Crosby haters in here. I swear you guys have more boners for him than anyone else. You will find any excuse in the world to talk about him, like some random dude's FML post. YDI, OP, "big manly hockey dude" for being a puss, unless you're allergic, then FYL.