Wait til she hears about the white supremacy behind it!

By published_anthropologist - 23/07/2009 06:13 - United States

Today, my girlfriend of eight years explained to me that the Egyptian pyramids were built by aliens from Mars. I have a B.S. in Biology and an M.S. in Anthropology, and I'm working on my Ph.D. She thinks I'm an irrational idiot for telling her she's wrong. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 095
You deserved it 10 177

Same thing different taste

Top comments

takemedown 0

Why would ANYONE think the pyramids were built by aliens from Mars?

I have a feeling your girlfriend has been watching too much Stargate..


Leaders_R_Crooks 0

I don't know what your college history has to do with a ancient mystery that will never be proven. how about opening your mind?

Hmm. You are correct. History is about knowing stuff for which there is reliable evidence, not believing things for which there is none. Being credulous is not a gift, it is an affliction

lobby0ne 0

******* Stargate moment! lol

A bunch of anthropologists should gather in Egypt and build a few big pyramids with levers and ramps or whatever with no outside help just to show how it was done. If they can't do it, then they can stopt being so proud of their pretend science.

Actually, the same argument was used about stonehenge. So recently, archaeologists did move the massive rocks using the technology that would have been available at the time

Really? Awesome... I wish I could have been in on that little undertaking. I'll have to keep my eyes and ears open for news of the recreation of the Roman roads, I guess. There has to be somebody out there who doesn't believe the Romans built those roads, right? So perfectly straight... or how about the aqueducts?

kaleid0scopeEyes 0

yeah because "a few anthropologists" can accomplish in a few months what thousands of slaves were ordered and forced to do for decades...thats like saying "find a few construction workers and if they cant build another Statue of Liberty in 2 months, aliens must have gave it to us"

If they are secret, how do *you* know about them?

lol. How is your life ****** because of this? It just seems like a minor annoyance, if anything.

its plain and simple... your girlfriend is retarded

fyourlife33 0

the op must have not seen the movie how sad

Starrinmovies 4

I'm confused about this. Why would an educated individual date her?

meniacle19 0

my ex swears that the washington monument was a gift from the egyptians and that they flew it over in their "flying machines" even her mom subscribes to these ridiculous ideas. but she'l believe any conspiracy theory or wack idea she reads on the internet. but she was so hot it made up for it. just kinda zoned out when she would talk about it lol.