Wait til she hears about the white supremacy behind it!

By published_anthropologist - 23/07/2009 06:13 - United States

Today, my girlfriend of eight years explained to me that the Egyptian pyramids were built by aliens from Mars. I have a B.S. in Biology and an M.S. in Anthropology, and I'm working on my Ph.D. She thinks I'm an irrational idiot for telling her she's wrong. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 095
You deserved it 10 178

Same thing different taste

Top comments

takemedown 0

Why would ANYONE think the pyramids were built by aliens from Mars?

I have a feeling your girlfriend has been watching too much Stargate..


Bucinka 5

Why are you with her, then? Unless she has a PhD in suckology, I mean. DTMFA.

FYL indeed, but only for not respecting her opinion ... you're just arrogant. Basicallly you just told her she's stupid and you're smart because you got a few degrees. Peole who thought they were smart also thought the earth was flat and everyting in the universe revolved around it. I'm not saying I think she's right on this one, but if she wants to think so ... let her or try to convince her. Don't just tell her she's wrond and you're right because of a piece of paper you got.

The issue is that with people who believe this sort of stuff, it is often difficult to have a rational discussion with them. Also he is not arguing from authority. The fact that he refers to his Master's in Anthrop is a way of indicating he has 1) Demonstrated some knowledge in material that has been critically assessed 2) Had to defend his opinions in informed debate Also re "People used to believe the world was flat (when it is not)", this is not a good argument. The fact that less people believe it now does not make it more likely to be true, does it? The fact exists independent of what people believe You try convincing a conspiracy/ supernatural theorist that their views are mistaken. They change their basis or make something up ad hoc so they don't have to change their paradigm.

I'm sorry but she's smarter than you. You've managed to get yourself brainwashed like the millions of others that the government so easily lies to. Do some decent research and you'll find that the pyramids WERE actually created by extraterrestrials. Do you seriously ******* think that humans could have created that? Especially with the non-existent technology in the Egyptian era? I don't care what you say, it is impossible for humans to carry that type of stone and arrange it so precisely, and for what? You really think they made pyramids so pharos could have a nice tomb when they die? Bullshit. The only reason I'm typing a comment is because I am so sick and tired of how arrogant people are. Humans know shit.

cloudkittycat 0

She's probably just pissed off at you for not proposing yet. 8 years?

Check out number 7 on this list of common historical myths... http://listverse.com/2009/07/23/another-10-common-historical-myths/

Ocean_Sunset 0

Was she just throwing around ideas (the way some shows on The History/Discovery/Science etc channels do on programs about Atlantis or aliens or 2012)?? I mean yea, that would be actually really cool if aliens built the pyramids but it's a very unconventianal explanation to something that we dont completely understand. If she had been just throwing around ideas then she'd be a keeper because exploring all realms of possibility can be a good way to gain perspective on whatever it id you are talking/thinking about, but if she truly believes this then thats a little scary. I think the most important part of intelligence and belief is knowing that you dont have all of the answers and that you can never be 100% sure. So add the level of certainty she seems to have to the fact that she believes something that is at the very least highly improbable, and is most certainly far-fetched, and you get someone whos mental state is a little questionable. Maybe she's had something traumatic happen at some point in her life and the way she has developed to deal with it is believing in things like aliens building the pyramids. Either way, that level of certainty in that situation means that she could probably benefit from some counseling. I guess it all depends on how willing she is to admit that she doesnt know that for sure. I would expect that even someone who believes they were abducted by aliens would admit that -as much as they believe it to be true- there is a chance that it isnt.