
By markyvilla - 15/04/2011 01:09 - United States

Today, I got dressed up for the first time in days to go have sushi with a friend. When I walked out to my car, I noticed that the passenger window was shattered and the car robbed. What's worse is I'd forgotten to lock the side doors anyway. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 861
You deserved it 6 002

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You've been naked for days? What a coincidence, so have I! :D ...Oh, that's not what you meant? Then your missin out on the fun!(;

andres19 0

shattering windows is part of the thrill when breaking into cars


softball1432 0

like a good neighbor, State Farm is there!

The broke the window to get in, they probably opened the door to get out