Useful idiot

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my boyfriend dumped me. He said he would have done it two weeks ago but he needed someone to drive him around while his car was getting repaired. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 066
You deserved it 4 525

Top comments

chino627 0

pretend you want to give him a bj and then punch his balls back to where his childhood was


rukikiki 0

The positive of all this is that you got rid of the Loser. Don't even waist your time thinking on how to get back at him, he'll get what he deserves, karma is a real bitch.

cheer4ever96 8
FlyingLazerWALRU 0

When you go for gas, shove the nozzle up his ass. And that rhymes.

Either you can be the bigger person and get over it OR break his window, dis-engage the handbrake and roll it down a hill or something. Although yes, FYL for having a dick for a boyfriend. You'll find the one though. Good luck. :)

scotchnacid 4

i dont know, but this guys is actually a genius, props to him, FYL OP

paradiseisland01 0

nothing but a cold hearted snake , you should be happy that he is gone from your life, seriously who needs a jerk like that in your life. You really should charge him for all the gas you spent driving his dumb ass around! Send him the bill .

paradiseisland01 0

nothing but a cold hearted snake , you should be happy that he is gone from your life, seriously who needs a jerk like that in your life. You really should charge him for all the gas you spent driving his dumb ass around! Send him the bill .

eag05 0

- u deserve it 4 being a dumbass pendeja !!