Useful idiot

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my boyfriend dumped me. He said he would have done it two weeks ago but he needed someone to drive him around while his car was getting repaired. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 065
You deserved it 4 525

Top comments

chino627 0

pretend you want to give him a bj and then punch his balls back to where his childhood was



I'm sorry -.- we're not all assholes I plomise!

delia_24 0
CaptainPickles72 18

86- You're 15 and most guys your age are immature assholes (hopefully you're dating people your age XD). So don't worry, when you grow up more there will be a few more mature gentlemen to be with.

FreebirdIII 1

It sucks that happened to you, but...... what takes two weeks to fix on a car? You need a boyfriend with a better car, with a warranty. Two weeks to fix a car = total

my tranny took 2 weeks and it was under warranty altho I could've done it myself in 2 days but I didn't feel like paying for the $5000 part

and I've seen it take 2 weeks to get a single part from some of those rarer import cars

he's a douche! you're better off without him

vanquish83 0

Smash all four conners of his windshield. Thats for the payment for your gas and time. Ohoh dont forget the front and back headlights!!

a single crack is all that's need to make repairing the glass In a windshield Impossible

who cares... he could have done worse. For instance; once he got his car back, he drives you somewhere to "return the favor" and leaves you 30+ minutes outside your city/town limits. It's just a break up, I've been through a horrible divorce. A break up will be nothing compared to a future divorce you could possibly go through. Grow up a little. So I don't see why you should care so much. Move on. You'll meet many more idiots in your life, get used to it. Here's a tip: Life isn't fair.

so if i break my leg, it's not allowed to hurt just because i didnt have it amputated? don't invalidate the pain of others because some bad shit has happened to you too.

I have been through break ups... I've been down that path. Your leg analogy isn't even the same principle. 51% of marriages have been through divorces... it's happened to a majority of us. What I mentioned is a pretty valid statement. Think about it deeper. Don't just read what's in black and white, read between the lines.

you're assuming relationships are less emotionally intense than marriages. a coworker of mine has been with her boyfriend 26 years. they will never get married. imagine how she would feel if he broke up with her.

Every FML could always be worse. Pointing it out kills the fun.

Every FML could always be worse. Pointing it out kills the fun.

How am I assuming when I was married for 12 years, and dated my ex wife for four years. I know both ends of the rope. I was in several relationships before I even dated my ex wife. Have you ever been married? If not, than you don't know both ends of the rope.

actually it's 60% divorce rate in the states but all that says is u ppl suck at being married considering the divorce rate in my family alone is 16.5%

FreebirdIII 1

Life is not fair. Your driving a Cadillac, and my car has been in the shop for two weeks.

Yeah. I know life isn't fair. I enjoy my Cadillac. But I used to drive a beat up civic until I came up with the money to buy my Cadillac. I worked for it. Look at what you just wrote: "60% divorce rate in the states". I'm divorced because my wife cheated on me with my old high school friend. The reason why people are divorced is because they don't know how to work together and how to deal with money, when really, it's not that difficult. All the single people suck at being single because they wait until they're 30 to get married and than complain that they can't have kids. Married people actually look better than single people dating for several years. People who date for several years often have more problems. Single people are afraid of commitment. You don't really know the person as well until you get married, even if you live together before you're married. Just ask all the people who are married whether they learned tons more about the person after marriage than before. They'll tell you.

chicago4star 0

you douche. she's the victim.

metfanatic1986 0

take the gas receipt to his house and say. we are in court if u don't pay this!