Trigger warning

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom

Today, my annoying colleague gasped, wrapped her arms around herself, started sweating, and curled up in a ball crying, "No, no, no" in front of several customers. They accused me of "setting her off", when I blurted out, "Sorry, she gets panic attacks." All I did was say the word "abortion." FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 311
You deserved it 6 583

Same thing different taste

Top comments

rocker_chick23 27

You know what word gives me panic attacks? Mathematics.


Coworker is an absolutely gigantic attention *****. She should be fired for causing such a scene and involving customers and other workers in her psychotic drama.

Suaria 38

People who have mental illnesses are not attention seekers. In this case, you can be triggered over anything. You literally cannot control when your mental illness will act up like what happened here. A person cannot be an attention seeker if they cannot help what happens.

Yeah. You set her off, but still, fyl.

HJKM_fml 19

It depends in which context the word abortion was used. Was OP stating their view on abortions (Pro Life vs. Pro Choice)? Were they talking about someone who had one. It's hard to judge who was at fault, if anyone, without knowing the context.

Wow, everyone screaming attention ***** when it seems more like a PTSD situation. I get panic attacks, and while mostly they are quiet rocking fetal position ones, the times I was set off by specific events (father threatening to drag me out when a minor attack was starting, and I was hiding to try to get it under control) they quickly became sobbig, screaming, clawing at anything I could grab and hold onto, very horrible. And that's just a regular panic attack, if this was a triggered flashback/PTSD episode situation...

rocker_chick23 27

#79: Have you had any counseling for your PTSD? I had horrible PTSD after my uncle raped me when I was 13 and I got help for it. I still get flashbacks sometimes, but they are not as bad as they used to be.

#80 I'm in therapy for my anxiety disorder with panic attacks, the possible PTSD from the way my father refused to believe I wasn't just lazy/faking/being a wimp is less of an issue now he's mostly out of my life and has his hormones re-balanced. When "I'm scared to leve the house" is met with threats of "I'll drag out out and drop you in the middle of the city and leave you there!" You know you aren't gonna get through. Still can be given shaking fits when insinuations I'm faking things happen.

She probably had a forced abortion, or at least had one that she really regrets!

Attacksloth 33

The difference between a disorder and normal in terms of anxiety is that a disorder takes over your life. Everyone has "anxiety" - it's a primal instinct. However, I know what anxiety disorder sufferers go through because I suffer from crippling anxiety every single day of my life, and nearly ever minute. It's a constant fight to just not break down. It weighs on my marriage, on my social life, on my productivity. I don't think it's anyone's place to judge someone's disorder as annoying, unless they're being belligerent to you or doing something to either insult you or put you in harm's way. I'm not voting YDI on this one because it's not YDI. I don't think you deserved to be judged by those random people, because they had no clue what was going on. I also think the key to surviving and getting through a problem like anxiety is to seek professional help even if you don't want it. I've done over 20 cognitive behavioral therapy sessions, at 200 dollars a session, because I was willing to spend anything to control my problem. I've had crippling self-doubt and fear of illnesses for over three years. It came on suddenly, and it isn't leaving suddenly. It's constantly on my mind. I always think and fixate on death and existence. I always think I'm losing my mind or have some kind of illness. My triggers are bodily symptoms, extreme exercise, and being alone. Hers are obviously different, but you should respect that. I can understand getting pissed at the idiots judging you and blaming you for setting her off, but don't blame her. If you're feeling extra generous, give her links to support groups or help. Anxiety disorders of any kind suck pleasure out of life, and I don't think anyone realizes how much it drains your existence, if they don't suffer from it too.

You know she may have had to have one when she was young and now regrets to decision. Abortion is an awful subject in my opinion