Touch grass

By TheDarth - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - Bedford

Today, it's got to the point where my parents have to force me to plan social outings. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 216
You deserved it 5 806

Top comments

Xobubblyxo 23

Who needs to be social when there's Netflix and food

Dreamsorrow93 24

My parents use to yell at me to leave the house, so I stayed out so late so many times in a row, they now tell me to stay home. McDonald's free wifi and free refills wasn't so bad.



I definitely know how you feel, OP. I couldn't go out with friends when I was younger, so I started playing video games. Then my mother got mad about that and made me have such social outings. Now I'm a rambunctious young adult that alternates weekends with partying myself crazy and staying up til sunrise playing (for example) Dead Space.

So social outings screwed up your life? Good to know.

Technology and mostly society is turning us to an age where we don't really need social interactions throughout the day. wether this is a good or bad thing I don't know.

leogachi 15

Humanity is going to die out, so take your pick.

**** humanity aha only reason I leave the house is to work.

I work from home so I don't even have to do that. :) Just me, my roommate, and my kitty cat. It's the life.

Naggie_May23 6

I'm sorry, OP, but YDI and everyone else here deserves it for being too cool for life. Yes, humanity is home to a lot of stupid, bizarre, unfair, and heinous people, places, things, ideas, and situations, but people need to see the grace of humanity. There are good things in us just as there are bad. Both good and bad help us appreciate life and gives us a deep understanding of the soul if looked at carefully. In the words of Mahatma Ghandi, "You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty the ocean does not become dirty." But, I forgot. We live in an age where if things get to be too much, we can retread into food and shallow entertainment, so pretty much nothing what I said here mattered. Just remember one thing: People who hate humanity don’t deserve to be human.

Yikes. You may be the reason Op and many others don't want to deal with people. You're a judgmental pretentious nut.

You could be correct in your assessment, but that's not what I got out of this post. She may be very introverted like me. I find it difficult to be around groups of people, not because I dislike humanity, but because it's physically & emotionally draining. One or two at a time isn't bad, but more than that and I start looking for a nice, quiet corner. I enjoy hanging with a couple of friends from time to time but I also enjoy my 'alone' time. Look up Susan Cain. She does a much better description than I do.

or they could be like 1/2 of my family who get anxiety attacks just being near large groups of people that are sure to be in most public areas.

I have had crippling social phobia and generalized anxiety since the late 80s. It took decades for family to finally understand just how horrible normal socializing was for me. They see how talkative and friendly I am at home and don't understand why I sometimes freak out for "no reason" or can't leave the house on a particular day.

I would fake social outings and ride the metro train for 5 hours. I'd bring a book, headphones & a portable iPhone charger. Sometimes I'd even pack a lunch. My family got tired of me leaving everyday so now I'm back in the comfort of my room where a binge watch Netflix & paint. Yay