Too late

By UhOhhhh - 08/09/2009 17:29 - United States

Today, I woke up, took a shower, made some pasta, drank 3 glasses of water and brushed my teeth. I then left my apartment to see signs posted all over warning us not to use the water without boiling it because the water company just found E-coli in the water. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 888
You deserved it 4 317

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least you boiled the water for your pasta! but yeah. fyl.

noidea_fml 3

unlucky..sounds like something i would do! btw why were you eating pasta for breakfast?


All you guys saying who eats pasta in the morning: it never said he woke up in the morning he could have woken up at 1 p.m.

well, Natalie Portman ate pasta for breakfast, lunch and dinner everyday for about a week after Black Swan was done filming. She lost a hell load of weight for that movie despite being slim at her usual self.

jdawg2010 0

oh my gosh. that sucks so bad.. I hope you're okay!

epiikgangster11 2

who drinks 3 glasses of water in the morning

ArsenalFan12 0

who makes pasta in the morning?! hoper still alive

At least you had to boil it for the pasta... Gotta see the bright side :D

SniperWolfARMY 0