By /(•'_'•)\ - 07/09/2013 16:59 - United States - Ballwin

Today, while working at Subway, I was about to take a guy's order. He quickly held up a hand and asked for someone else to make his sub, because he doesn't like "ugly people" touching his food. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 886
You deserved it 3 833

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's when you say, "we don't sell food to assholes."

BreynHope 11

What a dick. I bet you're not ugly. You keep making those subs, girl!


I woulda gave him some gloves. And said: "Here. Guess you can't handle your food without these. Or do you carry your own pair?!"

these are the people who bug me to the point where i want to ask them how my fist greeting their face felt

10showgirl 16

Sounds like one of those middle class people who pretend that they have money. I've seen it before.

SystemofaBlink41 27

That's when you take your gloves out and make the point of touching his food.

If someone said this to me I'd tell them to **** right off lol.. I work for subway part time, used to manage one and seriously people do the stupidest shit at subway. "I'd like a foot long turkey sandwich" "ok what type of bread?" "Ummm turkey". Good god some people...

Technically, you're "touching" the gloves you're hands are inside. Not like your skin will pass through the glove and make contact with the asshole's food.

littledebster09 2

you should have asked him," well, how do you eat then? if you dont touch your food!"

You should've told him tht u don't make food for ugly people!

Really? Because in the Subway I go to that happens all the time. In fact sometimes the boss joins in. Footling up the ass for everyone.