By 00Evan - 05/04/2009 13:48 - Australia

Today, while working at a Subway store right next to a big hospital, there was a big line of people all getting their subs toasted. Without turning around, I asked the next person in line, "I'll bet you want yours extra toasted?" She was a burns victim from the hospital. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 542
You deserved it 79 628

00Evan tells us more.

00Evan 0

Hey, I'm the original poster. I think comment #78 has the right idea - I wasnt saying it in a rude way, just sort of jokingly, since the last few people had all said toasted. Was just putting theirs in the oven and getting her order at the same time.

Top comments

Why bother making an assy remark like that in the first place, burn victim or not? What were you thinking? >_


infidelboy 0

why would you even say that?

ihatestupidpeopl_fml 0

OMG I CARE SO ******* MUCH!!!!!!!!!! STUPID STORY....

stinebean 0

I agree with everyone saying you were rude to the customer, burn victim or not. There's no need to be snappy with them just because other people wanted toasted sandwiches (which they are paying for anyways). I've worked in retail for 5 years (to pay for school) and it's not really that difficult to be polite to a customer if they weren't rude to you first.

You must have been in some chill-ass retail if you think it's always easy to be nice to customers.

And this, my friend, is why you always evaluate your audience before making any kind of smart arse remark, EVER XD #15 said it already, but it's so true that it deserves repeating here: "Always, always, always pay attention to customers Never, never, never assume anything."

#23, if you don't like stupid stories don't go on this site. It was an honest mistake and I am sure the OP has learned from it.

pinkpikachu 0

Let's hope you learn from your mistake. XD