By 00Evan - 05/04/2009 13:48 - Australia

Today, while working at a Subway store right next to a big hospital, there was a big line of people all getting their subs toasted. Without turning around, I asked the next person in line, "I'll bet you want yours extra toasted?" She was a burns victim from the hospital. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 542
You deserved it 79 628

00Evan tells us more.

00Evan 0

Hey, I'm the original poster. I think comment #78 has the right idea - I wasnt saying it in a rude way, just sort of jokingly, since the last few people had all said toasted. Was just putting theirs in the oven and getting her order at the same time.

Top comments

Why bother making an assy remark like that in the first place, burn victim or not? What were you thinking? >_


Wtf? Extra toasted? Where do you draw a link between a bunch of customers asking for their subs toasted and expecting the next person to want extra toasted. Drawing conclusions from patterns fail. Today at work a bunch of customers ordered their subs toasted, for some reason that lead me to the conclusion that the next customer would want theirs extra toasted. Incidentally, I also think that the missing symbol in this pattern, (o, o, o, o, o, _) is O. Some people may refer to me as retarded.

00Evan 0

Hey, I'm the original poster. I think comment #78 has the right idea - I wasnt saying it in a rude way, just sort of jokingly, since the last few people had all said toasted. Was just putting theirs in the oven and getting her order at the same time.

I just wanna know what the customer said about it.

Oh just stepped in it big time. Lmfao Some people need to lighten up on here, shit happens its not being rude or anything, sometimes you just say the wrong thing at EXACTLY the wrong time and thats when you pretend that you dont speak english, look the other way and pretend it never happened lol

Ha! This is really funny. There is was no way for you to know the person was horribly burned! Irony is such a wondrous thing at times.

castnerinho 0

the odds of this happening are too small bs

I've had a few too many frustrated-sarcasm-turned-foot-in-mouth moments myself. FYL. I feel for you.

lol. i laughed so hard on this FML.

Eesh. I just love it when that one person who could possibly take offense to a situation/comment manages to sneak in there at just the right moment. I feel for you, mate. =/ Edit: Heh, 100...