By epicsandwichartist - 05/05/2011 07:13 - United States

Today, while working at a sandwich shop, we had a shortage and could only put so many veggies on one sandwich. I explained this to one man who was grumpy about it, but kept on ordering. I thought everything went well. He thought my face was a good target to launch his completed sandwich at. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 823
You deserved it 3 639

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sailorzoe 14

That's the food industry for you. I work at Freebirds and someone freaked out yesterday because we ran outta forks. We sell burritos.... Those people are just bored with their lives.


DasHeidelrock 0

man if anyone ever done that to me I would punch them in the throat! >=/

iamthearchangel1 0

soo it's nice to see how the non fast food/food service individuals say "it's your fault you need to take care of the PAYING customers" Not if your manager tells you to do something. I work at burger king, if we are out of tomatoes you bet our managers will tell us to put, 1 if any on a sandwich, if the customer really wants to throw a fit over 2 tomatoes, 1 in some cases, my advice for you is to GET THE F*CK over it. 1) 5.09 for a whopper is not going to bankrupt you so there is really no point in throwing a HOF hissy fit for everyone to see 2) I'm not going to go against my managers, I make 11 dollars an hour to make burgers for people, as a college kid that's gravy, no customer is worth that.

theten_fml 9

I guess all those years of, "Eat your vegetables, son" finally got to him.

@jake, you know its possible to make a sandwich yourself? subway doesn't use very hard to get ingredients or do anything you can't do at home in 5 minutes for a quarter of the price...

I'll assume I'm the Jake although it's a pretty common name. Ehm, bread for an actual sub is a $1.50, pepperoni is roughly $3, salami is around the same price as pepperoni. Let me stop there because that's the same price for a Spicy Italian at Subway. I do believe I'm missing shit like olives, vinegar, lettuce, tomato, cucumber, mayo, and pepper. Oh, and a cherry Fanta. So no; it's not a quarter of the price, and I don't have to do the labor. :P

I hate getting customers like that. I work in a supermarket,most customers are understanding once you explain things nicely to them but there's always one idiot.

and at least you deal with them for a couple of minutes, but theyre stuck with their ahole selves forever haha

well you obiously didnt make it correctly! i know woman are suposed to make samaches but danm you must suck.