By sumerflame07 - 01/12/2010 20:18 - United States

Today, while standing in line at the grocery store, the elderly lady in front of me had forgotten to pay for her milk. In the spirit of the season, I paid for it and wished her happy holidays. She snatched the milk and gave me an ugly look. Then huffed at me before stomping off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 342
You deserved it 3 800

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That is when you run up to her, grab the milk, and dump it all over her! Some old people think they have the right to be rude, she deserves to get soaked!


cowboyy_fml 0

omg I feel so sorry for u I would have cried and called the police and I might have even cut myselflike that is terrible that's worse than getting's like a real slow painful murder!gosh I would not have been able to just walk away from her I would have cut myself and bled to death that's how emotional I would be I am so so sorry:'(I feelthe pain for u

Sarcasm noted. On the other hand, that was very emo of you.

FlavaMash 1

Next time do not pay for a random person, unless it is a hot girl :D. Maybe that is what i would have done.....?

Fortuitous 0

If you do something 'nice' don't have expectations of how people should/shouldn't react. Do what you do and let people act as they wish. If someone is ungrateful, don't take it personally. It isn't about you, it's about them. If you feel bad about it, it sounds like the deed was more about making you feel good instead of just doing something nice for the sake of it, without expectations or strings. Don't worry, what goes around comes around eventually.

Trollin grandmas... what is the world coming to?

juhnaynay 0

she's just grumpy cause she isn't getn any

TOL_fml 6

Some ungrateful bastards out there, eh...