By analinguist - 20/02/2010 19:04 - United States

Today, while playing Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, my phone rang, and I instinctively tried to pick it up with the Force. I kept trying until it stopped ringing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 916
You deserved it 45 902

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Um yea, next time don't give darth vadar your number and you won't have to worry about your callers undermining your great powers.


This sounds like a "What can I purposely do that's stupid and attention *****-ish just so I can post something worthy on FML?"

lovin_darkness 0

You really thought that would work? Good job broh!

this is more of a MLIA rather than an FML... nevertheless... this made me laugh! :D

well my goodness. aren't you a smart one. ydi