By Vince - 22/02/2009 01:15 - United States

Today, while on a blind date at Hooters, I ordered my food and the waitress asked me if I was stoned, because she couldn't understand me. I have a speech impediment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 991
You deserved it 4 437

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wait - blind date at.......Hooters!? You ALMOST deserve it for that alone.

holynemesis1208 3

haha. thats horrible i hope that definately effected her tip in the form of none.


There's no problem with getting stoned and going to Hooters

Dropbear_fml 0

Blind date, Hooters... hmm not the best of starts right there.

jCleveland 0

hahahah i get so frusturated when people can't understand me with my speech impediment

Truthbringer 0

who takes a blind date to hooters? Not being able to speak is like the 6th thing wrong with you

urkiddingrite 0

Hooters; way to make a good first impression.

dont tip a waitress and ive had to serve an old man who couldnt talk along with his friend, an old man who couldnt hear, but i nvr said anything rude......

x0bayby 0

YDI for taking your date to Hooters, dude get some class

rakhil11 7

omg ytf do u ppl focus on the hooters part? seriously... anyway, i'm swy the waitress was an insensitive bitch (although she didn't know...)

Who takes a blind date, or any date, to Hooters?!