By KennyJF7 - 15/03/2014 02:43 - United States - Fort Worth

Today, while mowing, I found a baby bunny and took a picture of it. 20 minutes later, I accidentally ran over said bunny with the mower. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 566
You deserved it 22 651

KennyJF7 tells us more.

KennyJF7 14

I'm the OP, and the bunny was in a patch of grass oddly taller than the rest, and I didn't know it was there until I backed up because I thought I hit a tennis ball for my dog.

Top comments

The Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog has a tendency to avenge his brethren. Beware.

Oh no, poor little bunny. Although, that must've been traumatizing for you to see and go through. My condolences. :(


that's what we call a sticky situation!

You continued to mow knowing it was there? That's not very smart, OP.

Be prepared for revenge. Watch Night of the Lepus if you want to know how to defend yourself.

I call this bullshit. This is NOT your story since I read the exact same story MONTHS ago om Imgur. Nice try tho.

starcaller17 16

I don't know, where I live there's so many, I'd prolly be happy if I killed one...

classiceagle63 16

Just be happy it wasn't the one from Monty Python.

Oooooh, that would ruin my entire week! Eff your ell, indeed!

Pretty sure there is a circle of hell for that