By Awkward - 01/12/2012 22:11 - Bahrain

Today, while lighting a cigarette, I learned the hard way that the amount of styling mousse I used to get my curly hair to become manageable, is the roughly same amount that causes it to become highly flammable. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 993
You deserved it 31 944

Same thing different taste

Top comments

smoking and overuse of hairproducts, yep the fates just have it all decided for you

Atleast you know you had flaming style and smokin' hair.


Cynicaljellyfish 0

if you are going to smoke, put your hair up. Problem solved. Or just don't smoke. That works too :)

jayhawkchik 4

Smoking kills one way or another.

probably a good indication that you uses too much... or should quit smoking. Both would be valuable lessons

Philerup31 12

YDI haven't you seen 1000 ways to die?

use miss jessies curly pudding. I haven't used mousse in YEARS

So im guessing you was rolling on the ground like michael jackson?

Hair is highly flammable to begin with, idiot.

Although I'm against smoking, I couldn't bring myself to press YDI. I once leaned too far back in my high school science class and the bunsen burner on the desk behind me lit my hair on fire. Even without hairspray, hair burns pretty damn quickly and it reeks. It really freaks you out too. Plus, I don't think anybody deserves to be on fire, even if it is due to their own habits/actions. I suggest trying to give up though for your own benefit. :)