By ydahs - 08/05/2009 21:17 - United States

Today, while in the hot tub with my friends, my gum fell out of my mouth and I had no idea where it went. Later that night I realized it had fallen down my swimsuit and had become adhered to my pubic hairs which then stuck to my underwear. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 760
You deserved it 19 606

Same thing different taste

Top comments

eastsidehippie 0

Time for a hair cut? Btw, u should totally give urself a Hitler pube, u know, just the style. No offense to any jews.


smashyy 0

lmao, #27 Person, just shave It's so much better, haha =]

kcslgvr 11

maybe you shouldnt have been chewing gum in the hot tub, huh? hope you get that off!

ayuhme 0

dude. this is weird even for this site. congratulations on having the most awkward experience of awkward experiences

idratherbewrestl 0

haha! ur not suppose to have gum in the pool/ hot tub! thats what u get!

how on earth does a chunk of gum get into elastisized swimming costume ?

@39, heat expands mass and when he came out its mass shrunk becoming stuck to his pubic hairs YDI FOR NOT SHAVING

What is with all the girls not friggin shaving on fml. SHAVE YOUR FRIGGIN GEEGEE AND YOU WONT HAVE THESE ISSUES.

not everyone wants to look like an 11 year old