By notguilty - 15/08/2009 23:24 - United States

Today, while I was watching Miley Cyrus's new music video, I had an itch near my bikini line that I couldn't reach through my jeans. So I unzipped my pants to get to it, and that's when my boyfriend walked in on me with my hands down my pants. He thought I was getting off on the music video. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 459
You deserved it 22 947

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lisimal 7

EWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!! YDI for even looking at that beaver face.

ladycoyote 0

You deserve it for voluntarily watching Miley Cyrus do anything.


YOUU DESERVE IT! HATE THAT CHICK WITH A PASSION! but i gtta say! i loveeee her new song;) party in the u.s.a loool

YDI for watching miley cyrus. SHE SUCKS

Alexxx_Anarchist 0

YDI, firstly for not changing the channel when that silly bitch was on, and secondly, you also deserved it for having crabs :D

N3VVRmiNd 0

I hope your bf doesn't try to bring little girls in the bedroom o.0

Jekasnail 1

and shit on you, because anything that demi lovato does anymore is what disney puts her up to doing. disney didnt put miley up to posting those pics, she just did it. and while she may have not been butt-naked, it was still an attention stunt. and since you didnt post anything about demi using coke, chances are you dont know enough about her to judge in the first place. i hope your 6th grade year is great.

good_life35 0

YDI for watching miley cyrus.

that's one of the sexiest things I've herd today : )

noshitsherlock 0

you deserve it for having a dirty ******. that's the first thing I thought of