By Emmy - 02/10/2011 06:36 - United States

Today, while I was on the up escalator, a small woman in front of me farted directly into my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 365
You deserved it 3 361

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sorry I read elevator... I made a mistake but thanks for pointing out that it said escalator :)


Iamaninchworm 0

Wouldn't be as gross if it was a man. You sexist dicks.

KrazyLove54 0
Lady_Bee_fml 13

Sheesh, all this mass hysteria about a bloody fart. An intentional fart, like if you go out of your way to fart in someone's face = rude and gross. An unintentional fart, as most of them are, because you are a normal human being with bodily functions who is at that moment unable to hold in a fart for the sake of some anal retentive - no pun -.- - people who find it a ''big deal'' - not rude, funny, unimportant...and gross. Silly peoples fighting about farts on and feeling superior about themselves XD

Now how did a small woman do that? Presuming, of course, that you're taller.

It's not always easy to hold in farts; it's not like she meant to do it.

Bwames 0

cut to hair doode, your face looks funny

Kap10 0

Ahah she was tryna give u a taste of last nights dinner.