By Joey - 11/03/2012 06:51 - Canada

Today, while DJing at a jumpin' wedding reception, my speaker system conked out. I hadn't brought any backup equipment, and 500 guests had the unfortunate luxury of dancing to the sounds of a portable CD player someone brought in from their car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 811
You deserved it 30 587

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I should call you if my ex decides to get married.


This is more of a FML for the bride. Today was my wedding day and the crappy DJ's speakers broke so we had to listen to music on an old portable CD player. I guess I know now you get what you pay for

YDI for describing a wedding reception as "jumping", who the hell has a "jumping" wedding?

hilary56 0

Sucks for their wedding! It was supposed to best day ever and perfect but..... Yea

i woulda punched u out .. then not pay u nd sick my dog at u .. lmap dummy

Excuse me my fine sir, could you please speak English in this fine establishment?

jillybean555 5

The couple getting married should be saying fml, not you

perdix 29

I'll bet everyone thought you were a dooshbag and a looser. If you had a locker, don't go back to it, just get a new one. Did the person with the portable CD player get half your fee?

KuchkaNumberOne 2

I'm sorry. That really does suck for you and for everyone at the wedding. =( Always best to have back up gear, though!