By mackmackey - 18/05/2013 23:15 - United States - Phoenix

Today, while at hospital with a broken arm, I was asked to raise my hand onto the x-ray machine. I told the nurse I couldn't move it without extreme pain. She told me to suck it up, picked up my arm, and dropped it on the machine. I could feel the bone completely separate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 737
You deserved it 3 914

mackmackey tells us more.

hey OP here, thanks to many of you for suggesting a lawsuit, I'll consider it! Btw, it was at an urgent care and not a real hospital

Top comments

What. The. Hell. I sincerely hope you reported her.

hpdrew15 9

File a complaint with the hospital and lawsuit with the courts!!!


While I didn't quite break the bones; I did slice my hand clean in half; with only a few tendon/ligiments and some skin holding it together. 7 year old dumbass me climbed a chain-link fence with wet shoes; slipped while holding the sharp top part where the links where cut. Anyway; the doctor decided they needed x-rays for some reason (guessing for the surgery or something). They had my hand soaking in something that smelled like iodine and hurt about as bad; the guy lifted my arm clean up and dropped it on the table like a wet fish. Needless to say; it hurt like a bitch and scared the **** out of me because 7 and already in nasty shock from waiting for 12 hours in extreme pain and blood loss just to see the original nurse and doctor in the ER. Turns out he managed to do what the fence didn't, and dislocated half the bones in my hand. Yeah... the physical therapist I had to deal with for 3 years after that had a lot of fun telling me how much worse that little incident made the injury (I'd finally passed out from shock about then, didn't wake up for 2 days.) Yeah... I've thankfully never had anything even half that bad happen since (25 now). Anyway, OP is well within rights to sue here; Urgent Care or otherwise; mishandling injuries just to get x-rays does no one any favors.

You need to report her! Filing a complaint is the right thing to do. Think about the next patient she treats that way-it could be a little kid. You should also consider a lawsuit. What happened to you was avoidable and unacceptable. Hope you feel better soon!

I agree a complaint needs to be filed, and I feel bad for you, but ask yourself if the injury that occurred is going to ruin the rest of your life before you ruin someone else's by suing. I got hit by a car and broke my arm and I didn't sue, I am sorry for what happened OP, and I agree FYL, but why so many people jump right to suing, ill never understand. Maybe it's just the Canadian in me.

I think we are a sue happy country and it only makes all of our premiums go up, however what happened to you is inexcusable. I would definitely make a complaint first and see if that nurse gets suspended, counseled, sensitivity training, ect. If there is no recourse I would consider suing. She is in a profession where her actions directly affect the people she works with. She should be held accountable. I have many nurse friends and many more in nursing school and I am appalled at her actions.

It's medical malpractice. That's why OP should sue. Other people need to see that the urgent care facility he went to doesn't care enough about their patients. Lawyer up, OP & tear them apart. Too many assholes only practicing medicine for money & not to help people.

I'm a nurse at an ER. And although I can't speak for every hospital. It's not a nurse that does X-rays. It's a radiology technician. Completely different training and certification

I've been an RN for 14+ years and I agree with the other nurse who said nurses aren't the ones who do Xrays. Radiology techs are the ones who handle that. That being said, this Rad tech was clearly out of line in not handling your injured arm more carefully. I'm sorry OP that you had this experience. As for a lawsuit, that's your decision and if you feel like this person did worsen your injury and will cause you a longer recovery the you have a legitimate case. Either way I recommend you call the hospital and file a complaint. That way the incident will be looked into and this person will get either the proper training and/or will be disciplined. Hope you feel better soon OP.

snarkytruth 37

Some nurses have a limited radiograph license esp in small offices or rural clinics and some nurses were grandfathered in so it could have been a nurse. Not as common these days but I know of a few in the boonies.

my sister is an X ray tech andvi know theyvdo that on purpose. she is a hag