By mackmackey - 18/05/2013 23:15 - United States - Phoenix

Today, while at hospital with a broken arm, I was asked to raise my hand onto the x-ray machine. I told the nurse I couldn't move it without extreme pain. She told me to suck it up, picked up my arm, and dropped it on the machine. I could feel the bone completely separate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 737
You deserved it 3 914

mackmackey tells us more.

hey OP here, thanks to many of you for suggesting a lawsuit, I'll consider it! Btw, it was at an urgent care and not a real hospital

Top comments

What. The. Hell. I sincerely hope you reported her.

hpdrew15 9

File a complaint with the hospital and lawsuit with the courts!!!


lovelyrevenge21 14

as an xray tech I am so sorry for your experience. sometimes we have to position patients in uncomfortable ways that hurt, some times hurt a lot, in order to get correct images. but she had no right or reason to be so bitchy to you. and dropping your arm was completely unprofessional. I would sue.

Now are you sure she has a degree? o_o

KM96 24

OMG i feel extremely apologetic and sorry for you :(

I had a nurse scream at me the same way after I broke my back in an auto accident. I couldn't stand without excruciating pain and she screamed I needed to stand up straight and hold still because she couldn't get a good hour later after the hospital had me walking everywhere, yelling at me, and pretty much treating me like a hypochondriac, my MRI showed my spine injury and they rushed me to the nearest trauma hospital. Bastards.

Omg what a bitch u def should report her

Ok - you can only sue if you can prove actual harm. I doubt that you would be able to prove the tech's actions made your injury worse. Best to make a complaint to the hospital. It may not lead to a dismissal at first but at the very least the complaint will be in her file. Enough documentation on this kind of behavior and eventually will result in termination. I wouldn't be surprised if the Radiation tech is this way often - unprofessional and unkind. Sorry you were treated that way! (an actual nurse - not tech.)

OP, I'd be suing if I were you. No joke. I know people sue over the smallest things, but this caused you serious pain, and could end up causing you to either need surgery, or have the bone heal wrong. Sue away, my friend.

OP said it was a nurse who performed the X-ray. Nurses do not X-ray anything. X-ray techs do X-rays, period. The person who was rough with OP is thus likely to be an X-ray technician and not a nurse. Also, to play the devil's advocate, OP went to the urgent care facility for a potential broken arm. It would be very difficult to prove that whoever performed the X-ray did more harm. It's a case of your word against hers. Just thought I'd clarify any misconceptions in this FML. Nurses are awesome and I'd hate to see them get a bad reputation for something like this.