By mafille - 19/03/2015 03:22 - France

Today, when I dropped my 6-year-old daughter off at school, a little boy ran up to her so I asked his name. My daughter explained: "Oh, don't pay any attention to him, he's my slave. He's come to carry my bag. See you later, mom!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 563
You deserved it 55

Top comments

Little guys already writing himself a one way ticket to the friend zone


I fail to see how this is a FML for you.... I say it's a win for for your daughter lol

norisorroz 28

I like her, she seems smart.

DogeLife 15

Little kids say what they want without giving a **** and it's hilarious.

Honestly, you shouldn't be too worried.. My wife and I are too hesitant to have any kids because we are confounded about how to raise them up. How do we hit a balance between showing them how to be nice and a**holes at the same time. If you're not an a**hole nowadays you'd be chewed up. So your daughter is all set for life.

Your daughter knows how to get things done!! I'd be a very PROUD mum ?

Kids say the darnedest things!... *whip-cracking sound* move it knave!

Pussy whipping without sex, she's a natural.