By :( - 19/03/2013 20:12 - United States - Hilton Head Island

Today, we started our 17 hour drive to Michigan for spring break. My mom decided to go to Target to buy some music CDs. All she bought was three Nicki Minaj CDs. She has already replayed the first CD four times. 14 hours to go. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 899
You deserved it 4 035

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey it could be could have been Justin Bieber

PandaKitteh 20


Hey i wouldnt mind that!! I love my nikki


LISTEN TO #73 I'M IN MY HOUSE AND FREEZING!!!!!! (Of course that could be because I'm in the only room without good heating.)

My mom is really open minded to other people's opinion. For example if I told my mom that her replaying music constantly is bothering me. She would be fine to change or just listen to the radio. Talk to her about it :-)

You do realise that if you enter motor city playing that shit, you will be shot. Don't you?

Everybody there listens to garbage ass big sean & eminem so its ok. Theyre bad too

Eminem is a amazing rapper. He has a huge vocabulary and doesnt brag about what he has because growing up the only thing he had was rap. I think he is an inspiration to people that look to the feeling and message in music for support when times get tough.

Yeah, cause being a homophobic, misogynistic, drug addicted failure is something that everyone should aspire to be!

What kind of person does not have an iPod, fyl for not having one. So my best advice would be go get an iPod and put music on it.

bott_fml 4

People who have no money for one.

People are now telling others they deserve to listen to crappy music because they don't own an iPod! Sounds wonderful -.-

Why in Hell would you be going to Michigan for Spring Break. That's like going to Mexico in August. Counterproductive.

mif_fml 27

Or you could be to going to spring break with your mom.

lottsogreen 3

Yea I have to agree that sucks that you had to listen to that cd a ton of times but also it's embarrassing that your mom listens to nicki manaj

When that happens there's only one solution. Listen up because I'm only saying it once. Lean over to the drivers seat take the steering wheel and very very calmly crash the car.