By fmylifebadddd - 18/04/2009 04:44 - United States

Today, was my birthday. My friends love to play pranks on me. So when I entered the door for my surprise party, I became aware of the surroundings. There was nothing. Everyone was staring as I slowly entered the room. When I closed the door behind me, a freaking bucket of pee fell all over me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 91 173
You deserved it 5 711

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I agree with #2. What a wonderful gift ~_~ I would be *pissed*.


you need to get new friends... that could have made you very sick

oh god. feel sorry for you! they arent ur friends then! who peed in the bucket?!

youaresofucked 0

only dickheads say "freaking" ..........

#22 - It's possible to make a rig to do so. You just need a creative (but not SICK) mind and the right materials.

alyssamarie218 0
chunkymonkey618 0

Damn, that sucks. Get some new friends. I know I would if they did that to me...and especially on your birthday.

Hey, you said it yourself; your friends love to play pranks on you.