By Anonymous - 15/08/2012 00:12 - United States

Today, wanting to be romantic, I came home with flowers, and told my girlfriend I love her and that I never want us to fall apart. Before I could finish my second sentence, she farted, said, "Aww, that's so sweet" and quickly excused herself to the bathroom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 160
You deserved it 2 911

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sheerem 7

She probably just had diarrhea and didn't want to crap her pants in front of you. Don't take it too seriously.


loganpaige 6

If your girlfriend can fart in front of you, you know she is comfortable with you! Or she just don't give a **** about her manners lol

hardimanc 1

Sometimes girls can't be your god damn buttercups and rainbows.

Perhaps she loves you so much, that she can't hold it in?

kikks_xx 10

if she's sick, then you cant blame her.....whet did you expect her to do? shit herself in front of you just so you could finish your sentence?

I wouldn't really call it scent Nour... It's more of a stench lol

lyndz_20 8

So what? She was really pressed, and yes, girls do fart too!

That ones a keeper! She obviously feels comfortable enough to pass gas in front of you!!! THAT'S TRUST!!!!!

People poop. Big ******* deal. Get over it asswipe.