By Anonymous - 15/08/2012 00:12 - United States

Today, wanting to be romantic, I came home with flowers, and told my girlfriend I love her and that I never want us to fall apart. Before I could finish my second sentence, she farted, said, "Aww, that's so sweet" and quickly excused herself to the bathroom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 160
You deserved it 2 911

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sheerem 7

She probably just had diarrhea and didn't want to crap her pants in front of you. Don't take it too seriously.


Ahahaha i love how the last one was probably by a woman and got thumbed down.... Step four in not falling apart : don't listen to your woman? Just a suggestion :0

I have stomach conditions and yeah, sometimes things like that strike at the worst possible time. Not much you can do, and while it 'may' have felt like an insult, it probably wasn't. I'll assume she explained things after using the restroom. :/.

saturnsonic 3

There's Nothing like a woman that farts ;)

xXcaraXx 2

you gotta go when you gotta go :/

taliayungdiva 9

You gotta go when you gotta go

ChubbyNicki 6

When yo gotta go, you gotta go.

well you can rehearse a bit not that its least she appreciated it...

Well, it's a lot better than having her hate you, cheat on you, or strictly forbid you from hanging out with your female friends.