By Anonymous - 21/03/2013 10:43 - United States - Kalamazoo

Today, there was a new girl in one of my classes. We both corrected a classmate on his grammar, so, trying to make a new friend, I leaned back to her and said, "Haha, fellow Grammar Nazi?" She gave me a disgusted look and told me she was Jewish. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 336
You deserved it 21 818

Same thing different taste

Top comments

expertsmilee 26

Then she obviously has no sense of humour. There's no better revenge than taking a derogatory term and turning it around.


So much for making a new friend buddy. Lol. Quite the way to make an enemy lol. You totally deserved it. Lol

inserclevername 2

Some people just get off on taking offense to things.

The8Bitwarrior 0

Why don't people understand its a term?

Im a quarter jewish, and I do take offence when someone make a bad joke about things like the death camps. Ive never actually considered a grammer nazi having any connection to german nazis, she really should not have been offended

QuagD 17

Sheesh, she shouldnt be so mad. For one its a joke, and also im Jewish and I make Nazi jokes all the time.

You did nothing wrong. You weren't picking on her for being Jewish, as it's clearly an expression. She needs to get over herself.

I'm Jewish and that really wouldn't have bothered me. I might've mentioned my religion but only to joke at your shocked reaction. FYL, it was an obvious joke and you didn't know.