By Anonymous - 03/02/2011 20:59 - United States

Today, the midwest blizzard hit my town, burying the roads in snow. All the local stores are closed. I'm not only currently on my period, but I'm out of pads and toilet paper. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 484
You deserved it 10 474

Same thing different taste

Top comments

KingDingALing 9

I guess it's time to find all those pairs of socks you never use, and put them to good use.


why weren't you prepared? don't you keep track of your period? plus why didnt you buy toilet paper sooner? As soon as I get down to two rolls, I buy more.

You can't always keep track of your period, not everyone's is 28 days. It might have come way earlier than expected. yes in heinsight she should have been more prepared but we can't all always be prepared for everything. It's still an FML that she's in that situation

I'm on mine 2 but I got pads I was reading in class to get my focus off my cramps and I got it confiscated I got back but not before crying cuz of my stupid mood swings

TBabe023 0

Pantsless week sounds like a heap of fun...

kellbelle032398 0

k first, the blizzard was huge news, and most everyone went out shopping the night before. y didn't u? second, theres these ppl called neighbors, do u hav them? ask them for pads, or if youre too embarresed, ask for toilet paper. if your even too embarresed even to ask for that, do u hav tissues, paper towels, rags/towels, old shirts, ANYTHING?!???!! long story short, you shoulda been prepared not only for the snow, but for the blizzard, YDI

Bummer. Maybe.. Paper towels, or napkins, even though that would hurt like hell?

blink831forever 13

I'm sorry OP, I hope you can borrow some stuff from a neighbor or that a friend can somehow make it to you through all the snow. In the mean time, use some old socks that you don't wear anymore to help you out.

dude pads? use tampons huney, they ate soo much neater

mintcar 9

?????????????????????? Anyways, we all have our preference.

mintcar 9

We all have our personal preferences. *