By LadySteph12 - 29/10/2009 00:53 - Canada

Today, the guy I was seeing put candles all over his room to make things romantic. As we were getting it on, a plastic bag caught fire next to the bed. He had the brilliant idea to wave it around to put it out. Burning pieces of plastic landed on my arm. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 366
You deserved it 3 334

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That made me laugh. Oh, well. It's the thought that counts, right? :D

Haha wow, he really can turn on the charm can't he, bwahaha!


Your dating a moron. Oh well, at least the sex is really hot. Or that you are really hot. :-P

nikkirl5 1

I had a similar incident with my boyfriend only this was a garbage bag onfire that I blew out onto his face

That's more of his fml. He tried and he hurt you.

So you just stood and watched the fire? Good job!