By Anonymous - 16/10/2012 18:43 - United States

Today, the guardian angel charm my grandma gave to me for "safe driving" fell off my sun visor while I was driving. This scared me enough to cause me to swerve into another moving car. So much for safe driving. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 703
You deserved it 7 110

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh my God, you must be a really bad driver if your guardian angel gave up and called it quits.


I guess its time to take some driving lessons OP

porcupineattack1 5

Sometimes, when i am alone, i pull out my pockets, whip out my penis, and pretend im an elephant.

If you're that easily startled you shouldn't be driving IMHO

Haha, wish I had seen your comment before I said the same thing!

If you're that jumpy, you shouldn't be driving. The charm was trying to save the rest of us.

olpally 32

Was the guardian angel charm okay? ;) damn, talk about bad luck...

Why the hell was it in your sun visor? You're probably that same idiot I see with 18 deodorant trees hanging from your rear-view mirror, which is probably just as distracting.

Psych101 9

It sounds like the same general idea as the song "Jesus Take the Wheel." In both cases, realistically speaking, the driver is more likely to crash. One by taking her hands off of the wheel, OP by having a charm distract him.

Oops, sorry Doc. I didn't know it bothered you that badly; though you have to admit my car does smell nice.

Good thing he does not have a air fresher, hanging from his rear view mirror. Or perhaps that end up with the same conclusion.

Doc, you reminded me of a blonde joke. Swerving to miss a tree but it was an air freshener.

kittytub 12

it is distracting and also against the law. my friend got a ticket for having said deodorant trees on his rear-view mirror.

Inheritance 10

Doc I never could figure out what your picture is.. Explain?

Inheritance 10

52 - Yes, because every city, state and country has the same exact laws.

And that's why women shouldn't drive.

Hmm, your comment might have merit if OP was actually a woman. Nope, never mind, your comment is completely sexist and uncalled for.

Psych101 9

32- Nah, he's got a beer as his picture. He's probably really cool, so it doesn't matter what he says.

*And that's why idiots shouldn't comment. Fixed that for you, rvguy. Free of charge. No no, don't thank me. Edit: Oops, thanks for moderating that, mods.

I carry a "Pyrat Rum" lucky charm on my key ring. It claims to protect fortune tellers and bartenders. It's fun to pretend that it works but no amount of luck can overcome bad driving. You should have made sure loose items were secured.

TheDrifter 23

Reminds me of the idiot last week that loaded his truck cab full of boxes and crashed when they fell on him. Common sense just isn't as common as its name implies.

Should you really be driving at all if something that simple scares you?