By Sanchez - 07/01/2010 17:22 - United States

Today, the doctor told me that I have Vasovagal Syncope: I pass out every time I get aroused. Bye bye sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 521
You deserved it 2 803

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that I terrible!! **** your life indeed!!

xo_candy 0

Don't they have medicine for that? fyl


eeyorenessy317 4

Hi, I have vasovagal syncope and it doesn't effect sex at all. The only problem is my body doesn't get enough salt so I get light headed easily. First, vagal doesn't mean ****** Second, faaakkkkeee

Finally, a true fml..... u get this one hun.... I feel so sorry for u.....

don't go into abercrombie or hollister!!! if your a girl or are gay...

Could that get any worse? FYL indeed..

Hey mate, there is stuff you can do. I also have Vaso vagal syncope, and basically what it is is the vagal nerve and the brain are pretty much a yin and yang of keeping the heart beating at a steady pace. Vagal nerve tells it to speed up, brain slow down, and eventually they reach a balance. Usually, this balance being disrupted (syncope, passing out) is onset by something. Most commonly (like mine), hypoglycemia. When you feel a little woozy, check your blood sugar, see if it's a little low. Here's a chart: For most people, good blood sugar levels are: On waking up (before breakfast) 80 to 120 Before meals 80 to 120 2 hours after meals 100 to 160 At bedtime 100 to 140 Keep your BS (double meaning ;)) in check, and all should be fine in fun-land. :D