By planes - 30/12/2009 06:27 - United States

Today, on the airplane, the kid behind me kicked my seat hundreds of times, while the big bald guy next to me farted deadly ones repeatedly. I was on a non-stop 14-hour flight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 996
You deserved it 2 611

Same thing different taste

Top comments

davek 36

"Psst. Stewardess? When the people behind me got their bag out of the overhead locker, I heard a weird ticking noise."

All that is missing is the screaming baby.


Be more assertive or find a way to annoy them back.

And you didn't think to either A) Say something or B) Ask the steward(ess) if you could change seats? If you're going to sit there and take it, then don't complain about it. YDI.

 politely ask them to stop. you can get very uncomfortable in long flights with rowdy people surrounding you. if you confront them about it usually they will stop, don't be too embarrased to tell the bald guy to stop farting or the kid to atop kicking your seat.  and as a kid, I kicked someone's seat at a circus the whole time and I didn't even notice it I was so excited. when the guy turned around and told me to stop, i was astonished because I didn't even know I was kicking. so ask them politely and usually it will work.  

Haha the joys of flying cattle class hey? i had a kid next to me once who kicked me the entire time and his mum had the cheek to ask me if i could switch seats with her to a window seat! cheeky cow!!!

girlygirllol8 0

u should have switched seats, duh

jakeidk 0

weird my kid is very well behaved and always has been. he eats candy and drinks coffee (go figure) and he is turning four in two weeks. wanna know a trick? beat they crap outta your kid with the belt/spoon/hand(if on an airplane) and if you do it hard enough he won't do it again...

aah i hope ur not serious about ur kid drinking coffee; if kids drink coffee they dont grow so unless u want ur kid to become a midget..

This reminds me of a Hannah Montana episode(I had to watch it, my sister was hogging the TV)

whats a lay over? Joinnnnnnn it's gives free games

that's when you do what i did on my flight to amsterdam (after taking a muscle relaxer and waking up way too early to be there and still not being able to sleep through that little ******* feet slamming into your back), turn around and say with extreme fury, "I AM TRYING TO ******* SLEEP, STOP KICKING MY ******* SEAT AND CONTROL YOUR GOD DAMN CHILD LADY! JESUS ******* CHRIST!" and yes, children can be controlled on those long flights, i've been flying multiple times a year every year for my entire life, and only a few times have encountered truly badly behaved children on flights, the rest are just fine napping or being entertained by their parents and/or siblings. anyone who says they can't be controlled are just really shitty parents.

You should have LOUDLY pointed out to a flight attendant that the man is CONSTANTLY FARTING and ask if they could open a window or something. It won't help, but maybe you get a laugh and humiliate the man into trying to hold them in. As for the kid - tell him you're the air marshall and will send him to Gitmo if he doesn't stop.