By Ulysse - 07/11/2008 15:33 - United Kingdom

Today, on my first day at a new job, my boss asked how old I was. I replied, "Eighteen." She responded that she was my age thirty years ago, which makes her the same age as my mum. When I told her, she gave me a puzzled look, so I repeated myself. She was my age thirteen years ago, not thirty. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 262
You deserved it 14 380

Same thing different taste


sammy190 3

My mom is only 13 years older then me...

You can't tell the difference between someone who's 31 and someone who's 48?

EnlightenedClown 19

Off topic, OP is 25 now. Time flies.

Welcome to the shit list population you

TRANSLATION: Today, on my first day at a new job, my boss asked how old I was. I replied, "Eighteen". She told me that she was my age thirty years ago. I told her that she was the same age as my mum. She gave me a puzzled look, so I repeated, "You're the same age as my mum". Turns out I had misheard, my boss had told me that she was my age thirteen years ago, not thirty. The main issue with the original statement was that the OP failed to make it clear that she had actually told her boss that she was the same age as her mum, it came across as more of a thought. For anyone still confused, the OP told her boss that she looked 12 years older than she actually was.