By Anonymous - 30/09/2011 12:52 - Australia

Today, my younger brother brought home his new bagpipes. My older brother plays the drums. I'm currently preparing to sit the most important exams of my schooling life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 499
You deserved it 2 411

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Go to the library? or somewhere quiet?

megapeyt 17

Noise canceling headphones. They solve everything.


Hmm, so you have an iphone/touch, or a computer but earplugs or noise cancelling headphones haven't been invented? Strange.

perdix 29

Circumcise the skins and stuff the bladder full of haggis. If your brothers can handle that, then **** up their instruments!

sweetheartxoxo88 7

Get together with your parents and come an understanding about your needs so they can make sure your brothers practice around your studying.

winnn_fml 0

Important exam? Why did u still manage to post this on fml then?

40, its called a "break". It's when you stop doing something for a little while so you can relax.

you can get silencers for both drums and pipes (I think so for pipes anyway). Tell them to get them and use them. btw before some self-righteous individual corrects me in saying that they do not 'silence' the instruments. I used the word silencer because I have forgotten the actual name for it and it was the closest I could think of.

No, you cannot get silencers of any shape or form for pipes :)

perdix 29

Yes, you can. It's called a knife. An ice pick will also do the job admirably.

that_nerdy_sock 3

You have a musical family! That's pretty cool! Except for when you gotta study :( sorry! But c'mon..... BAGPIPES!

You're stupid not to think of a quite place or telling them to SHUT UP. Australians...sigh.

U ever hear of something called "headphones?" ya, u should use them!

First off, #59 you're an a$$hole. Secondly, anyone who lives in Queenland knows that it's quite possible the kids closest library could be a few towns away. This is a mother-effing big state people. As for staying at school? He'd only get an hour of study time before the school library closed at 4:00pm. Anyone with teenage siblings should know that asking them to stop or quiet down is pretty much like telling them to do the opposite. Also to the OP, you can't study for QCS... its a multiple choice test. And seriously your end of year exams can't be that hard, they pretty much hand feed you what you have to do for an A. Besides, if you're worried about your overall position, that is determined LONG before your end of year exams. Bagpipes... that's f*cking awesome.