By failhusband - 10/07/2009 23:18 - United States

Today, my wife and I decided to try a relationship book. The first activity was to write down some things your partner does that bothers you. I made a very long list, then my wife and I swapped papers. She'd written, "nothing, I love everything about you." She read my list and began tearing up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 142
You deserved it 73 022

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i bet the wife was the one that came up with the idea of the book lolz

Oh that was a setup... i feel bad for both of you :-


It's not about lying. She obviously cares about the OP's feelings, and doesn't wanna hurt them.

Of course she did it for the OP's feelings, not personal gain. BUT, the point of the exercise was to both be honest with each other, without having to worry. If she'd done it properly, neither of them would have cause to get upset because they'd both have a list to discuss. Just another way that men and women differ I guess, us men find it easier to draw a line between emotions and thoughts.

She set you up dude!!! Oh man that sucks, good luck in the doghouse lol

Vilen1025 0

I agree with a lot of the comments here - she might have been exaggerating to make you feel worse. Women can be overly emotional and often implement the "guilt trip" method of winning. You did the right thing by being honest. Just wait and see what happens.

eiji_chan 0

You both fail. BTW those books are made to cause problems.

You'd think that the OP would stop writing the "long list" after his wife just jotted down a few words -but he didn't specify whether they wrote the lists in each other's presence, so eh. FYL for having your wife take the book so seriously and personally. I mean yeah - that would hurt my feelings, too, but she should have known better. Plus - I can't believe that was the first exercise in the book. That's a really negative way to start a book that's supposed to "help" relationships.

well, now she has something to write on her list, doesn't she?

you idiot, why would you write a long list, you write 2 or 3 things that annoy you the most