By cancerfreak - 21/03/2009 02:39 - United States

Today, my town had a carnival to raise money for cancer. I ran a kissing booth, when a really cute guy came up paid his $20, looked at me, and said "not even for cancer." He took his money and left. FML
I agree, your life sucks 89 586
You deserved it 8 376

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What a jerk. I hope he gets cancer one day = "Not even for cancer." Why would he say something like THAT?

Never actually got the concept of kissing booths, but fact is, if you run one, you should be ready to face this situation should it arise.


That's pretty mean. He should of at least left the money there. I mean come on, it's for cancer! Do kissing booth's really work? I've never seen one in person before lol.

wow, what a jerk. he could have at least left the money for cancer research. that's really brave of you to run a kissing booth. i hope you made a lot of money.

agentasuka 0

i'm sure one of his idiot friends bet him to do that. Arent the kisses on the cheek though? If it were on the lips, no thanks.

well....they should've gotten a supermodel to do it :/

he probably had herpes anyways :) woahhh i posted this without even seeing the herpes comment before it! haha

KFabery 0

Jerk move to not leave the money, but, there's a very good chance you're not attractive.

#7 how can you say he had better "morals" than her? He was already heading to the kissing booth and paid for it before looking at her...

eeejit0102 0

lol "for cancer" don't you mean "cancer research" or "cancer awareness" ? way to go, OP

baby_love 0

it sucks that you're ugly if you were better looking you could have saved more money. you should stick to selling brownies or something.